This is risible.. This is the kind of thing one sees just before a mass litigious campaign begins. Remember those Americans who sued McDonalds because they were obese?
When do we start taking responsibility for our own actions again?
When do we stop pointing the finger at all and everybody else?
When did it become so hard to say "This is my fault"?
When did we start seeing our neighbour as someone to blame and sue?
No-one held anyone down and force fed them Big macs until they became obese. (I write this fully aware that I'm overweight, in fact statistically obese, with a BMI of 37 myself but I don't blame anyone else for my excess lard).
A choice is made between apple and Mars Bar, salad or chips, bus or 15 minute walk.
This article (which has the invented word "obesogenic" for Ganesh's sake!) blames society. And I quote:
"Obesity, the authors concluded, was an inevitable consequence of a society in which energy-dense, cheap foods, labour-saving devices, motorised transport and sedentary work were rife."
Inevitable? The argument about "energy-dense cheap food" is the only part of the article which I believe has any legs at all. Bottom line, these foods ARE cheaper, by far. I still don't think it is a viable excuse. Nor do I think it lends itself to any kind of inevitability as far as being overweight is concerned.
Down this path, madness lies. We are well on our way to being individually blameless in a society that is as guilty as hell.