Apr 17, 2009 23:57
just saw observe and report...fucked up. I don't know how you guys can watch Watchmen and complain and see this and not complain...this is an actual mans penis in actual slow motion for actually longer screentime than Dr.Manhattan. Anyway, by the end of that movie I couldn't stop laughing because it got so absurd and impossible. If I knew it wasn't going to be a comedy I would have sworn he was going to kill himself at the end of the movie.
UPDATE: anyways, lot of controversy with this movie...if this movie is meant to be taken as fantasy then it is a much much better movie than I watched, but if it is supposed to be what the ads want us to think then it is a movie that fell short.
Also, my ceramic jars and pitchers got out of the fire glazed and boo hoo some or them are welded shut. The glaze has fuzed the jar lid to the jar itself thus rendering it useless. Oh well...at least they look pretty. I might take some pics when I get them home.