'hags must stand 10 feet away from the stage'

Nov 08, 2004 18:20

so i am eating mac n cheese and chicken - 2 of my favorite things on the planet, are you jealous? yah u should be. haha ok well today was monday november 8th - a quite pleasant day that went by fast ending with the spectacular anatomy class. i was overly 'chipper' this morning - which sounds strange but i was just in such a good mood i did use the word "chipper" - sorry... anyway starting with the weekend - yes erika did get my 'curfew' extended until 1:00AM, thank you, thank you. a little tears shed and angry words were said, but yes, the point was made and i came out victorious. brandon is off punishment and looked so happy to be out in public again at the family picnic. me and amanda got 2nd place in the three legged race. we fell once when we were practicing but at least it wasn't during the race! everything with the boogie bus is done and away with. we are all happy and everyone's coming! i'm so relieved and very very happy to be part of this group. everyone always complains how "random" it is - well you know what. i don't care. i don't want to be labeled. i would rather be in this group where each person brings such a different aspect and angle to the group as a whole. i love each person and am so content with them right now.

anyway i'm thinking of changing my layout for my LJ, even though yes brandon boyd is uncanningly gorgeous and unthinkably nice to stare at with thee best V's in the universe and yes i did hang out with him in my dream last night which i def thought was real and was very very sad when i woke up - buut i am taking suggestions on what i should do next. i have ideas but i can't pick one - soooo if you have a good idea leave a comment. thank youuu darling.
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