Well, I don't think I could have had a BETTER Monday! And man, do I hate some Mondays...so today:
- Aaron came over this morning after his practice for the first time in over a month! I miss just laying around and watching Spongebob with him. Even walking to school with him is cute.
- I MADE VARSITY SOFTBALL!!!! I couldn't have been happier when coach called my name out. As cliched as this may sound, all my hard work really did pay off. I worked my ass off last week and I couldn't be in a better position. I love softball. I love the way the inside smell of my glove reminds me of Schliterbaun, I love making an awesome catch in the outfield, I love the sound of the ball hitting your glove, I love having orange skin after slealing bases and green knees from laying out a catch. I love it all!
- After school, DOUG was on Nickelodeon. I swear, I have not seen that show in yearrrrs. It was so wierd watching it. Everyone in it is so colorful and they all have such funny voices. Brings back so many memories.