(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 20:36

hey hey heyy.. well i havent updated this bitch in about a month or so.. nothing really to say i guess...

where to begin? well.. my summer has been okay. lets see havent updated since june 25th.. lets update u since then.. well on June 25th Jamie passed away.. that was very sad and it is still shocking and I dont want to believe it at all.. that was most likely the hardest week or two of my life.. im still in shock. But, everything is going to be okay. Just gotta have faith! and Jamie is looking down on us and smiling her most beautiful smile that she has!

so what else.. lets see, I worked camp two more weeks. they didnt suck nearly as much as week 1 did.. gosh did i hate the first week of camp! haha but last week was the last week.. probably the last time I ever see Adam again.. *tear* but it'll be okay.. he needs a real job any how.. mhm oh well, and i doubt im working camp next year because I, too, need a real job! haha

Well, Sydney and Melisa decided to leave me Thursday and Friday to go to Grand Isle and Terks and Cacos or however u spell that. Melisa went to Grand Isle with the cross country team i think.. and sydney went to terks and cacos with her family.. Melisa came back today though but she is sleeping.. and Sydney is coming back later this week I believe...

OHH so this weekend.. i went hang out with RENEE!!! we went bowling at don carters for some new thing called lighting strikes?? idk but it was cool! i won 2/3 games and i suck at bowling!! even though i did get 4 strikes ;) haha I LOVE U RENEE and then on sunday we went to the mall.. i bought 2 track jackets that say california on them.. a shirt from american eagle.. and some flip flops from charlotte russe

oh.. and last monday night i went see my first scary movie *i know i know but im scared!!* with Renee! We went see Dark Water... it was kinda scary but mostly pointless... but i mean, it was alright.. STOP IT NATASHA!! haha renee!!

so last night Emily and I went sleep at my gmas house and we went get our new laptops today which officially suck.. i can see this bitch breaking any day now... i already screwed up outlook express, go figure. I hate the keys and how the mouse is so close together like the keys and what not.. idk my IBM was my baby.. this will be hard to adjust too.. but as much as im on a computer, shouldnt be too hard.. haha

well thats about as much as excitement gets right there folks.. haha

what else has been going on.. nothing much.. i met a guy named Joey. he's hella tight.. thats about all...

well, i guess this is enough of an entry for a while... haha

<3 al
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