Right, so... Eragon.
The book is not all that well written, but pretty well written for a fifteen year old (which is um... that dude's age when he wrote it, yeah?) Now, the book is long and a lot of stuff happens. One would think, as I did, after reading the book that any decent Hollywood screen writer could take all that material and make a good film, nay, somewhat decent film of it.
Like hell they could.
If I had to compare Eragon the movie and Eragon the book to any previously created horror -- it would be Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
You know how GoF had so much... too much to fit into a film? They tried. They tried real hard with Goblet and it still failed (in my mind, at least). It is true, though, we can confirm the theory that anything literary with a dragon is only going to translate on screen as having at least one HUGE scene where a dragon is going balistic with fire breathing or something.
Eragon the movie is too rushed. More so than Goblet, and that movie had an extra half hour or so to help it out that was still used for um... fire breathing whatnot. Eragon failed so badly. It didn't even try to establish the setting, though they let you see who the villian is, they failed to set the boundaries for the world in which these characters live. The hero develops too quickly into "I can kick anyone's ass" and while Jeremy Irons shone ever so brightly in his performance what crap for lines and suspense they wrote him.
If you have a friend who is a die hard fan of the books or something, try not to let them watch the movie until it comes out on DVD. Because then you can restrain them. This is very important. I had to keep my co-worker from killing all the fans whispering and hissing throughout the film because of how it doesn't follow the book. I wasn't expecting much but man... not that little, either.
In other news, Fenrir is stuck up at the theatre because he refuses to start. Figures. -_- At least I got some dark chocolate out of this deal!