Mar 11, 2008 22:20
lol. i'm so cool. just read:
asdfghjklisaword is my close friend
and EatTenBananas is me :)
asdfghjklisaword (10:11:11 PM): omg I'm scared to eat food
EatTenBananas (10:11:30 PM): why?
asdfghjklisaword (10:12:07 PM): because of nutrition
asdfghjklisaword (10:12:42 PM): I'm scared I'm gonna contract like botulism and like die
EatTenBananas (10:13:34 PM): NOO!!
EatTenBananas (10:13:36 PM): food is good
EatTenBananas (10:13:37 PM): food is neat
EatTenBananas (10:13:42 PM): food is something you have to eat!
EatTenBananas (10:13:44 PM): lol
EatTenBananas (10:13:49 PM): look at my awesome rhyming skills
asdfghjklisaword (10:14:10 PM): lmao
asdfghjklisaword (10:14:43 PM): but botulism=paralysis which leads to death in like 3 to 10 days
EatTenBananas (10:15:45 PM): D:
EatTenBananas (10:15:49 PM): you WONT get botulism
EatTenBananas (10:16:21 PM): botulism isn't fair
botulism is very rare
EatTenBananas (10:16:26 PM): you won't get botulism unless you...
EatTenBananas (10:16:28 PM): have no hair?
asdfghjklisaword (10:16:49 PM): omg you're goodasdfghjklisaword (10:16:55 PM): it mostly affects babies and old people
asdfghjklisaword (10:17:05 PM): with weakened immune systems
asdfghjklisaword (10:17:09 PM): and they have no hair
look at my awesome rhyming skills that actually happen to make sense. isn't that amazing?
p.s. don't actually go off and eat ten bananas. I discovered that you could get potassium poisoning from doing that. So go eat like five instead. :)
p.p.s Can that count as my update for the next two weeks? lol.