Oct 04, 2005 19:39
Joe (my boss) is on vacation for TEN DAYS!!!!!!
Translation: I don't have to do shit at work. Nothing.
Lino (the hippie) and I were discussing good ways to get rid of annoying customers, here's a few:
1. Ask them if they have been saved yet - Pretend you're a Christian fanatic and start preaching to them. I've never done it but according to the hippie it works like a charm.
2. Make them wait - Ask them to hold on for just a second, then start doing something really pointless like go outside and sweep or rearrange the guitar picks in order of color. After a while say "almost done" and bring the phone into one of the practice rooms. Chill there for like ten minutes and when you come out they're gone.
3. Don't blink - Try not blink at all and don't break eye contact with them. Let your eyes tear up. They'll get really uncomfortable and leave.
4. Play dumb - Make them repeat everything they say a few times, and look at them like they're the ones acting stupid while they're doing it. They'll either get really insecure or really pissed off and leave.
Now for a few I made up but may try this week:
1. Act insane - Dart your eyes all around the room and keep mumbling things like "don't freak out, it's okay" to yourself. Don't respond to anyone.
2. R. Kelly - Pour a cup of water down the front of your pants and when they ask for help say "i can't come out from behind the counter" and point down at the stains.
3. Ink Pen of Doom - When they ask something stupid like "I bought these strings here six months ago and one just broke, can I have a replacement for free?", leap over the counter and stab them in the forehead with an ink pen. It should surprise them.