Aug 10, 2005 12:55
Some people just don't understand me at all. When i'm hurting i just want to be left alone, even if the one thing i want most in my heart is to talk to that person or what ever. I will cause my own self pain enough on my own. I tend to like to cause myself pain i think. When i know they are someone just checking to see, or something dumb like that. when i know all its going to do is just hurt me more and more. Sometimes i tends to take things the wrong why, just so i can be mad. Anger feels much better than the pain I was feeling. I'll take a screaming match anyday over feeling that part of me that once ment so much to me, thats now just ripped away.
If anyone can understand this more than anyone in the world, it would be Ash... She always knew after what happend to us that I just wanted to talk to her and have my friend back that i missed having around. It might have taken 2-3 years to get back to where we are really in our hearts cool with each other, but it did happen. Times like that is when i hate LJ.. It just eats at me, and makes me want to look and see just what they are up to and who the new person is.
Sometimes being smart and knowing loop's in the system is a good things, and at times like this.. Well, I'll just say it really fucking sucks donkeyballz.