Mar 26, 2005 16:10
My head is still spinning with all the thoughts that are going through it. I keep having all these memories coming back to me. I remember something my mom said to me once. "I really thought she was going to be the one for you"..... To even think my mom is able to say those words is crazy. I really want to start school soon. I need to get my taxes sorted out so I can start.
Thinking about how alone I have been just keep over running my mind. One of my friends that I still talk to had there BF arested Thurs Night for some crazy shit, that i'm not getting into. Keeping my head up is hard in these times for me. I really miss going dancing, but I know me and I'll want to drink if I'm out like that so I can relax. It might not be a bad thing for me to get a few drinks in me and go out to a club.