May 16, 2006 14:49
Well, I finally got to see Final Fantasy: Advent Children... And only about 6 months after most of my friends. But to be honest, I wasn't all that excited about it. To me the whole thing looked kind of pointless. I've never been one for repackaging of nostalgia, or updating classics to reflect current technology. I prefer to let the sleeping giants of my childhood and adolescence lie. I thought FF7 wrapped up nicely despite a few plot holes. Nothing more needed to be said. And now that I've seen AC, I feel pretty much the same way. I'll give respect where respect is due for the gorgeous graphics and loving reconsititution of the characers, but overall... Meh. The storyline was forced, the new characters were flat and the whole thing felt unnecessary. The premise was somewhat intelligent (I liked the explanation of what Geostigma is) but it got a bit lost in the creators' efforts to make sure they got in enough fight scenes and supporting cast nostalgia.
Supporting cast nostalgia... Pretty well done for the most part. The whole summoned dragon scene (was that supposed to be one of the Bahamuts? It looked more like Ultima Weapon to me) was contrived as all hell, but hey, they needed an excuse for everyone to fight together like old times. And it was pretty to look at, so I won't fault them for that. And I thought the scene where Vincent came in was pretty badass... Yeah, I had a bit of an obsession with Vincent when I was younger. Lolololquietangstymisunderstoodbadboylove. >.>
Getting to the new chars and such... Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo. In a word, why? I loved the fight scene between Loz and Tifa, and of course there had to be a few goons around for good measure, but these guys just pissed me off. They had all the Oedipal wimpiness of Sephiroth with none of his smoothness. And someone please stop the motorcycle fights...
My biggest complaint regarding them is the whole thing with Kadaj turning into Sephiroth. The concept of Sephiroth as some sort of eternal one winged angel evil deity thingie just doesn't sit right with me. I never thought Sephiroth was very impressive by villain standards (Kefka could kick his emo bishonen ass six ways from Tuesday) and making him out to be a god was just a copout excuse to bring him back after he died. No. He was NOT an evil deity. He was a genetic freak with the cells of an alien superbeing. A super soldier who didn't like his lot in life. Life's not fair, is it? You don't come back as an evil angel if you don't like the way things go the first time around. Cry me a river, you pansy.
Overall, I didn' hate it and I don't regret seeing it, but I really think that some things are best left on the console and in the fandom's twisted imagination. Video games present a strange challenge for film anyway. Its a formula that still needs some tweaking.