Jun 15, 2008 10:04
The fourth Sephirah is Chesed, which is also Gedulah. Chesed means goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and represents unconditional forgiveness, mercy, and giving. Gedulah means greatness and represents G-d's majesty. I usually use Mercy and Majesty for Chesed and Gedulah.
The power of the Wisdom of Chokmah flows down Chesed. Chesed is the the first manifestation of G-d below the abyss. It is G-d giving us everything, unrestrained giving. It is the outflow of the recognition of the Other, us, in Binah. G-d sees us, His image in the Divine Mirror that Binah represents and gives us everything. Chesed is the good King, robed in Majesty (Gedulah), giving freely to His people.
The Fours of the Tarot Minor Arcana aren't reflected as well in Chesed as the previous cards were in the previous Sephiroth. The Fours are about being still. They are the response to the Threes, which is similar to Chesed's response to Binah. While the Threes brought change, the Fours pause to make an account of what happened. The Four of Wands responds to the Three's Exploration, Foresight, and Leadership with Celebration, Freedom, and Excitement. The Four of Cups responds to the Three's Exuberance, Friendship, and Community with Self-Abroption, Apathy, and Going Within. The Four of Swords responds to the Three's Heartbreak, Loneliness, and Betrayal with Rest, Contemplation, and Quiet Preparation. The Four of Pentacles responds to the Three's Teamwork, Planning, and Competence with Possessiveness, Control, and Blocked Change. Each Four responds differently and stops to respond in its own way.
Chesed is about giving freely, with no strings, no conditions. When was the last time you gave to someone without asking what they will do with it, without setting conditions, purely because you could? Who is in need in your life? If you walk the path of Chesed, you look for who you can give to and give it. Yesterday you looked into the mirror of Binah. Today, respond to what you saw. There are always people in more need than you. All you have came from G-d. Freely you have received; freely give.
~Muninn's Kiss