Summaries of Robert Cochrane's Letters, Part 6...

Oct 05, 2008 07:37

First letter to Norman Gills:

- Gills knows old High Magic.  Can cast the Mound and the Skull?
- Mystery of the Broom.  Basic magical and mystical practice, corresponding to Kabbalic middle pillar.  Air in place of Fire of Mystery of St. John.  Practised every day is pathway to 7 Gates of Perception, what it is all about.
- Faith has three parts, know two.  1st Masculine mysteries, Holy Graal, basis of Arthurian legends.  Order of the Sun, Clan of Tubal Cain.  Learning, teaching, skill, bravery, and truthfulness.  Male clan lead by woman who was priestess and chieftain.  Legend of Robin Hood, Old Testiment, Christianity - both Jesus and Moses preached version of Masculine mysteries - Mithraism, Plantaganet Kings (Devil's Clan). Effect on world: Commerce, Lawmaking, Law-giving, Parliament, Universities, Craftsmen's guilds, surveying, sciences such as metallurgy, astonomy.  Direct creators of modern civilization.  Conducted by woman.  Mysteries: javelin, cockerel upon a pillar, ladder, flail, 12-rayed sun, ladder of 8 rungs, sword or battle ax.  Control over three elements, especially Fire.
- Start with fundamental practice, correct way to approach an altar.
- Kundalini - sexual energy.  Broom - sexual energy transmitted into energy of sensation, feeling, thought.  Perambulates around seven-sided ring to call upon seven stars.  Stops at exact centre of ring, back to altar, balancing upon one foot, begins first principle of broom, Kabbalic Malkuth.  Before greeting altar, first prepares ring by imaging bright star far away and above head.  From star waves of light, getting nearer, you getting nearer to it.  Light enters body through right sholder, spirals downward, emits through left foot when stopping to greet the altar.  Ring, having been censed and purged, is charged, becomes well of wisdom, water of life.  Take body in anti-clockwise spiral until reaches base of spine, Malkuth, earth, anus & genitals.  Foundation, seat of all transmutation, super-physical power.  Broom stick riding, rode staff to activate area between anus and genitals, transmuted by mental power to ascending snake.  Broomstick anointed with Holy flying ointment.
- Begin with movement, end sitting still.  Run about, emotional release, sexually released.  Meet before the Knot number of days devoted to Goddess awakened, then upon Knot, invoke Goddess through dark of night and evening star meeting together, in an uneasy chair above Caer Ochren.
- Spinning without motion between three elements in Long Compton, Shropshire, Lanchashire, Isle of Man.  Informant old man, understands both Broom and Sword.  Star of David, Sword and Broom.
- Impossible to teach.  Must be demonstrated.  Cad Goduie and Predui Annwn by Gwion, gateway, answers all ruled and laid out for the eye of the seer.
- Two mirrors:  Lady holds by very old piece of wood, speaks of the eight trees of the forest, and between my eyes, speaks of Tides that is still to come.
- Where does witch wear her garter?
- Hare, Owl, and Pussy Cat...

Second letter to Norman Gills:

- Thanks for calendar, crossed owl feathers, Life, Love, Wisdom, Flags, Flax, Fodder.  Theban script:  365 days of happiness.
- Witch ointments on empty stomach and with dandelion stems.
- Vision:  Awarded sword.  Gate of Fire, Serpent of Earth, Rake brings two together.  First admission, Water and Air.  Second, Fire and Earth.  Air and Spirit last.
- Eastern Gods verses Old Ones.  Eastern Star verses Mill.  Walnut and Almond verses Rowan, Oak, and Blackthorn.  Craft coming back but in different form.  Old Forces stirring in the mountains, Lady come down to earth once more, begin all over again.
- In Craft love deeper, since walk close path together in strange half-world only Crafters know and understand.  Craft born or given in love, no going back, once a witch always a witch, there forever.  Witch's heaven is in setting sun.

robertcochrane, summariesofletters, witchcraft, religion

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