The third Cauldron is the Cauldron of Wisdom. It is also Mimir's Well, Miriam's Well, Shin, and the Cauldron of the Skull, which is the Ori/Neshamah/Godself, and the Blessed Pentacle.
The Cauldron of Wisdom is born on its lips, which makes it the hardest Cauldron to access. This Cauldron distributes wisdom in poetry and art.
The Preserving Shrine: Cauldron of Poesy poem, 1998 translation:I sing of the cauldron of wisdom
which bestows the nature of every art,
through which treasure increases,
which magnifies every artisan,
which builds up a person through their gift.
Mimir's Well is the Well of his daughter Skuld. I think when the Roaring Cauldron was taken, Mimir took over for his daughter. Skuld's name came mean "debt" or "future". The future is controlled by the debt we owe and is owed to us. These are determined by Wyrd, building over time. Wisdom is debt owed to us. What we experience in our life builds our Wisdom. Two people drank from this well in Norse myth: Mimir and Odin. I think Skuld did as well. Mimir is known as the wisest of all who ever lived. Odin drank of the well and gained tremendous wisdom, giving up his eye for it.
According to Jewish tradition, Miriam's Well is the well that follows the people of Israel, providing water in the desert. When it was time to enter the promised land, it disappeared. While there isn't anything about Wisdom in the story, Miriam was one of the oldest Israelites left by the time of her death. Moses, Aaron, and Miriam are the only members of their generation to survive that long. Of the next generation, only Joshua and Caleb survived to enter the Promised Land. Old age brings Wisdom, and tradition ascribes much Wisdom to Miriam. I stated earlier that Mimir could be Miriam, but I think now that Mimir is the father of Miriam, that Skuld is Miriam.
Shin is the highest of the Three Mothers, connecting Chokmah, Wisdom, to Binah, Wisdom. It represents the world of Atziluth, the World of Emanations, which is Olam Elion, the World of the Sun. Shin, the Tooth, is Fire, the Sun from which all Light comes. Both Chokmah and Binah can be seen as types of Wisdom. Chokmah is Wisdom out of the darkness, straight inspiration. Binah is Wisdom in relation to other things, Understanding of the world. Shin is about Provision. G-d provides Wisdom; it doesn't just appear. Wisdom comes out of the darkness, emanating from G-d, like the Light out of Atziluth. This Light and Wisdom comes out of Kether, the Crown.
The Ori, the Godself, which is the Neshimah, is the Cauldron of the Skull, and the Blessed Pentacle. The Neshamah has three parts: the Neshamah (for which the whole is named), the Chiah, and the Yechidah. These three parts correspond to Binah, Chokmah, and Kether. Yechidah is the Divine Spark, the part of us that connects back to the Divine. The Blessed Pentacle is not traditional in Feri, but fits well. It has five points: Devotion, Truth, Radiance, Grace, and Blessing. These are five ways in which the Light of Wisdom shines into lives. Sex becomes Love which becomes Devotion. Pride becomes Law which becomes Truth. Self becomes Knowledge which becomes Radiance. Power becomes Liberty which becomes Grace. Passion becomes Wisdom which becomes Blessing. Devotion is the commitment we give to those we Love. Truth is the ultimate natural Law. Radiance is Knowledge shining on the world. Grace is Liberty given to others. Blessing is what Wisdom allows us to do.
This Cauldron is primarily about Wisdom and Provision.
~Muninn's Kiss