'Asah is the Hebrew word for "to do, fashion, accomplish, make" and can mean "to do", "to work", "to make", "to produce", "to deal (with)", "to act", "to effect", "to prepare", "to make (an offering)", "to attend to", "to put in order", "to observe", "to celebrate", "to aquire (property)", "to appoint", "to ordain", "to institute", "to bring about", "to use", "to spend", "to pass", "to be done", "to be made", "to be produced", "to be offered", "to be observed", "to be used", "to press", or "to squeeze". Basically, if it's an action, it's 'Asah. A Ritual is an Action done as an act of worship. Ritual comes out of Stillness, out of Damam, and leads to Kavanah, Intention.
'Asah is spelled Ayin, Shin, Heh. Ayin is the eye, and represents Kether, and the Ain, the Non-existant. It represents G-d as that which we can't see or understand. Shin is Fire and the Tooth, and is the Mother connecting Chokmah, Wisdom with Binah, Understanding. Heh is the first Breathe, from which Chokmah comes, and connects Kether to Chokmah. 'Asah represents the Supernal Triad, Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. It is out of these three that Action that changes things comes. The word for Hour is spelled the same way, for Action occurs in Time, not in the Stillness of Now that it comes out of.
'Asah is equal to 70 (Ayin) + 300 (Shin) + 5 (Heh) = 375. The phrase "Generally and Specifically" has the same value, alluding to the effect Action has on the world: first it has direct effect, but indirectly affects all else. 375 reduces to 6, Vev, implying the effect of both Self and Other, and the ability of Action to bring together and separate.
Ritual is defined as:
Ritual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:A ritual is a set of actions, often thought to have symbolic value, the performance of which is usually prescribed by a religion or by the traditions of a community by religious or political laws because of the perceived efficacy of those actions
'Asah becomes Ritual when it is done with intent, and comes out of the Stillness of Damam and the Silence of Hacah. And action can be ritual, can take on symbolic meaning. If we live our lives as Ritual, each action has meaning, and so makes a difference. Without Ritual, we just go through the motion, never having Kavanah in our Actions.
Each Action changes the world, for Good (Tov) or for Bad (Ra'). We start in Kavanah, Intention, and Shiflut, Lowliness. These lead us to Damam and Hacah. From the Stillness and Silence, we see clearly what needs to be done, and we choose to do it, 'Asah. This choice creates change in the world. Actions coming from Damam and Hacah are Actions of Destiny, not Fate. Actions of Fate are Actions not done as Ritual, Actions that just follow what is expected, instead of choosing. When we choose, it becomes Destiny. It's not the Action that is important to create change and Destiny, it's the Intention behind that Action, it's the choice and the Act of choosing.
~Muninn's Kiss