The Divine Mirror, Part 4 - Aleph and Lacan's Mirror Stage...

Sep 06, 2008 06:54

I talked in my first meditation on Aleph that the form of Aleph is the Divine Mirror.  Aleph is a Vev with a Yod reflected on each side.

The Vev in Aleph is the Divine Mirror.  On one side, we find the Infinite, the Divine, the Non-Existent.  On the other, we find creation, the existent, the Moshiach (Messiah) and the Shekhinah, the Groom and the Bride.  The Groom and Bride together, Moshiach and Shekhinah together, are creation, and represent the perfect image of the Divine.  Once all the Sparks are redeemed and creation reaches a pure state, where creation once again is one with Moshiach and Shekhinah, the image will be complete and perfect.

Vev in Aleph is like Lacan's Mirror Stage.  The theory says that when we are young, at some point, we look in the Mirror and see ourself.  This is when we realizes we are separate from the Mother, are individuals.  But we have a false image, thinking we are what is in the Mirror, and spend the rest of our life trying to be the image instead of the original.

G-d had to look in the Divine Mirror to separate himself, to allow for Self and Other.  But the image is Fallen, and this Fallen Image doesn't allow G-d to see clearly.  So G-d works to redeem the Fallen Image and bring it back to perfection.  He works to fix the mirror.  Unlike Lacan's theory for Man, G-d knows its not him, but a Fallen Image, but he wants to see himself clearly.  He wants to see Moshiach and Shekhinah.

If Vev is the Divine Mirror, the two Yods are G-d and his reflection.  Yod was the first seed, from which all else grew.  The Yod of our world is the reflection of the Yod of G-d.  At that moment, the reflection, the Image, was perfect.  Then G-d grew the seed and the reflection grew.  For seven days, he grew it into a perfect world, the perfect Image of himself.  But when Adam ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Image fell, and became distorted.  It no longer looked like the seed grown on the other side of the Mirror.  It grew its own way from there, becoming more and more Fallen.  G-d seeks to restore it, and he wants us to help.

In my first meditation on Resh, i discussed how Resh is about clarifying the reflection.  Resh represents the process and art of clarification.  This is the fixing of the Mirror.  G-d clarifies each point, each Spark, lifting each Fallen Image back up to where it belongs.  This is Resh.

~Muninn's Kiss

moshiach, kabbalah:paths:aleph, mysticism, kabbalah:paths:resh, lacan, jewish, shekhinah, kabbalah, mirror, kabbalah:paths, kabbalah:paths:vev, divinemirror, sparks, kabbalah:paths:yod

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