The Divine Mirror, Part 3 - Qlipothic Paths...

Sep 04, 2008 20:18

I've talked about Qlipoth several times.  The Divine Mirror gives us a good way to look at them and understand them.  The first world, Atziluth, is the reflection of G-d.  Briah is a reflection of Atziluth.  Yetzurah is a reflection of Briah.  Assiah is a reflection of Yetzurah.  Assiah is the world closest to us.  We can veiw the Qlipoth as the reflection of of Assiah, the Great Illusion.  Each reflection is a warped version of the world above, so the Qlipoth are the most warped version of G-d.

A reflection isn't the opposite of what it's a reflection of.  It's the reverse.  There are two ways to look at the Qlipoth.  One is to see them as the opposite.  Tipherah is Beauty and Balance, so the opposite would be Ugliness and Imbalance.  Kether is Light and Unity, so the opposite is Darkness and Duality.  The other way to look at them is as the reverse, the warped reflection.  Kether becomes Arrogance and Tyrany.  Tipherah becomes Vanity and Cruelty.  I think this is a more accurate way to look at the Qlipothic Paths.

The point of the Qlipoth is different than the Sepheroth.  The Sephiroth and the Hebrew letters are about what we need to aspire to.  The Qlipoth are about what we need to leave behind and eliminate.  In our pursuit of redeeming our Image, we must change to reflect the Sephiroth instead of the Qlipoth.  The Qlipoth are the Fallen Images; they are us without the Light of G-d.  Before we can ascend to the Light, we must first go into the Darkness.  We need to look at the dark parts of ourselves, the Qlipoth, and correct these issues.

~Muninn's Kiss

kabbalah:worlds, worlds, kabbalah:worlds:yetzurah, kabbalah:worlds:assiah, kabbalah:worlds:briah, kabbalah, mirror, divinemirror, kabbalah:worlds:atziluth, sephiroth, qlipoth

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