Damam, Stillness...

Aug 14, 2008 08:46

Damam is pronounced dä·man' and is spelled with a Daleth and two Mems (דמם).  It means "to be silent or to be still", and is usually translated as "to be silent, be still, wait, be dumb, grow dumb".

In Gematria, Damam is 4 (Daleth) + 40 (Mem) + 600 (Final Mem) or 4 + 40 + 40.  The first is 644, and the second is 84.  644 is also חלום, a dream.  Out of stillness comes vision.  644 reduces to 5, which is Heh, the first Breathe.  When you are still, all that moves is your breathe.  If the second Mem takes the value of 40, Dream is 84 as well.  But 84 is also ידע, Knew.  In the stillness, we remember what we already knew but forgot.  84 reduces to 3, Gimel, Camel.  Gimel is the rich man chancing after the poor man to give to him.  In stillness, we value others more than our possessions.

Damam, Stillness, is a place of learning.  It is in the Stillness that we have visions and dreams, not in the hustle and bustle of life.  When we are still, we are less distracted, and so are able to clearly see what is shown to us.  We are more able to see the world as it really is instead of the illusion we see outside Stillness.  All that moves, twirls, causes commotion and distraction around us is temporary and fades, because it is the illusion.  The Truth is in the Stillness, for when all else passes away, Stillness will remain.

Stillness seems simple, but to one used to the movement of life, Time, and Fate, it seems impossible to reach.  It is through Kavanah and Shiflut that we come to Damam.  By becoming lowly, we step out of the trap of ambition and simply come as we are.  This eliminates many distractions.  Kavanah eliminates the rest.  As we focus on Stillness, and grab onto that feeling, with the Intention of reaching it, all else fades, and we step into Damam.  It's easier if you can remember tasting it before, because then you know what you are looking for.  We all have felt Damam, as a child, when most things didn't matter to us anyway.  But we have forgotten.  To remember, we must find Damam again.

One method of finding Damam is with meditation.  Go to a place that is quiet, where you won't be disturbed.  First, you need to step into Shiflut.  Close your eyes and think about your place in the Universe.  Compare yourself to the size of the Sun, to the size of the stars, compare the number of you (one) to the number of stars.  Realize how small you are.  That is Shiflut.  Now, to reach Damam.  In your mind, visualize reaching out to the world around you.  Feel what you are sitting on.  Feel the walls and ceilings if you are inside, or trees and ground if you are outside.  Feel yourself join with each of these.  Reach out further.  And further.  Feel the Stillness in the things around you.  Now, return your attention to your body.  Feel your centre.  This will be below your navel, but above your groin.  Feel yourself sliding into that spot, settling, relaxing.  Sometimes it's easier to feel if you pull in your stomach, like you are about to put on a corset, the same posture used in ballet.  You are now centred, and this is Stillness.  The focusing was Kavanah.  Once you've felt Damam, it is easier to return to it, even out in the movement and noise.  It is good to practice reaching that point in a peaceful place so it will be easier out of that peace.

~Muninn's Kiss

lowliness, kavanah, damam, meditation, intention, dreams, dance, shiflut, gematria, ballet, stillness, visions

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