Jul 13, 2008 10:22
The fifth letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Beit is Heh. Heh means Window and Behold!, but symbolically means to Take, and mystically, is the first Breathe. As the Window, Heh reveals what is hidden. Through the Window of Heh, we can see clearly. As Behold!, Heh is revelation, which is also a reflection of seeing what is hidden. As the number five, Heh represents the five books of the Torah, hence, G-d's Word comes from the revelation of Heh. As Take, Heh represents known giving. Gimel gave to Daleth without knowing Daleth; it was purely an act of charity. When Heh gives, Heh says, as Joseph did to his brothers, "Take for yourself seed." It also isn't a giving without effort. Gimel made the effort for Daleth, running after him, but Heh sits and tells his brothers to take it themselves. They make the effort. As Breathe, Heh is G-d breathing life into the universe. It is shown in Adam, for G-d fashioned him from clay, then breathed life into him. As such, Heh is the beginning of life within creation. The form of Heh is a Daleth above with a Yod below. In the space between, is the form of Vev, so Heh is pregnant with Vev. These three letters, Yod, Vev, Daleth, YVD, spell Yod, the seed from which all else comes. This is the seed Heh says to take.
On the Tree of Life, in all Hebrew versions, Heh connects Kether and Chokmah. This is why Chokmah is called Breathe from Breathe. Kether is the life of G-d in creation. Through Heh, Breathed out of Kether, Chokmah comes. Wisdom comes from the Breathe of the Crown. It is in Wisdom, not Understanding, that we truly see what is hidden. Understanding is too dependant on language, so can never understand the indescribable. Heh connects Kether to the Pillar of Mercy. It tells creation to take of the seed, Yod, which G-d has given, since the Pillar of Mercy is about unrestrained giving. As the five books of the Torah, we see that the first emanation, Heh, contains the Torah. The Torah was before words, before language, for the essence of G-d's Word isn't the words we read, but the meaning behind them, the thoughts of G-d. The form of Heh has a second meaning. The top line of the Daleth represents Thought. This flows down in the leg as Speech. The Yod within represents Action. As such, Heh thinks about the needs around him, speaks to tell those who need to take, and causes them to take action. The Thought is passive, but both Speech and Action are active.
Before the Fool comes along, the Emperor sits in Heh, looking out at the word. After the Fool leaves, the Heirophant finds himself here.
In Heh, the Emperor sees all he needs to do. He is Odin sitting in Hliðskjálf, looking over all the worlds. He thinks on the needs of his people, and speaks to bring it about. Through what he can see, he is in control of his kingdom. Wisdom sits at his right hand and Understanding at his left. His people obey him and rely on him, because he provides for their needs. All in his kingdom is ordered and structured. There is no room for the unknown chaos.
But, along comes the Fool, bumping the Emperor out of his seat. The Fool looks out and is fearful of what he sees. But from his fear comes Wisdom, and he catches a glimpse of the road to come. He thinks on what he sees, then, speaking to himself, he tells himself to move on, and, taking his own words to heart, skips on, leaving the seat empty behind him.
After the fool is gone, the Heirophant sits down in the throne. The Heirophant also looks out the Window, but what he sees is different than what the Emperor and Fool saw. He takes what he saw and begins to teach, sharing all he learned. His school is very formal and structured, well established. Many find his teaching and his religion too formal, to structured, but those willing to listen find hidden truth in the rituals, ceremonies, and rhetoric he employs.
What are you missing around you? Look through the Window of Heh today, and, Behold!, you will see. It is in the passive, in Thought, that the revelation comes. In the stillness and quiet before Speech, sit and think, let the Revelation come to you. Take time for the silence, and from it will come Speech. Speak what you are told to speak, tell of the Revelation. As long as it is contained within and not spoken, it will be passive and nothing will change. Speak change. When you speak, Yod will impregnate you, as Yesod does Malkuth. From that action, from that pregnancy, will come forth change. That seed will sprout and bring forth true Understanding, true Binah, just as Vev brings forth Binah. Be still, be silent, and let G-d Breath Wisdom into your Thoughts. And look around you. Who can you help by telling them to "take for yourself seed"? Out of the Thoughts comes the speech. You can help those around you. This it the secret of change.
~Muninn's Kiss