he can /hold/ stuff! *___*

Jun 01, 2008 23:02

heh. <3

too bad he can't flip anyone tho.. xDD they should've made his other fingers separate like his pointer and thumb. LOL.

(LQ taken with webcam)

OMG. i never thought Re-Ment stuff would be perfect for his scale... daaaaamn... and here i had already managed to stop myslef from buying my pinkies *coughAkiAgicough* Re-Ment stuff. D: Bad Screamer. Bad. [SS: *sticks tongue out* I'M SPECIAL~ AND AWESOME~ now go buy me icecream you oversized cat.] i'll leave you in a very undignified pose >_> [SS: i'm happy with the ice drop i swear! D:] heh. Good Screamer. <3 (yeah, got him a tiny watermelon slice shaped "icedrop"...it was a phone accessory, actually x3)


transformers, starscream

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