last night, i remembered why i love Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass so much... it was my favorite big picture book when i was a kid... and interestingly enough, Alice was also technically my first 'cosplay' (READ: Book Parade when i was i think 6 or 7...for two consecutive years... i had a pink frilly apron instead of white tho x3 which i loved to bits.)
so here i am, browsing bjd sites again for the perfect doll bodies for the creatures that live with me, and i find this: (click image to see website/order page)
I have known about their
pet cat dolls, but never really took the time to stare at
the new rabbit. T_T seeing him (rabbit) now, makes me want the cat too, just so i can practice painting it and turn the cat into a Cheshire Cat! T_______T
oh woe! woe!
*cries in a corner*
i want a white rabbit too. T_T (and my birthday's too far! T_T i have no excuse ;_; *cries*)
i do not know if they are cheaper from the actual makers (
Pipos) when compared to Notdoll Lab (the link above) since they are only selling for Pipos... (maybe i should learn Korean too? T_T)