I am updating from my Computer Science Lab. Mostly because I am bored out of my mind (we are learning how to resize windows at the moment) and partly because Brandi accused me of being horrible at updating my journal. I will not argue.
School started last week. I'm taking a full (5) course load with mostly challenging classes. I'm also trying to get a job, and toying with the idea of trying out for the a capella group on campus. I will most likely chicken out again, plus I just don't think I will be able to make the time commitment. Oh yeah, and I have a horrible voice ;)
My schedule is pretty nice, though. I know people that have much better ones, but I'm happy with
10:00-10:50 CS 101 (www.computing.you hahaha)
1:30-2:50 Media, Messages, and Society
3:00-4:20 CS Lab
11:00-12:20 Writing and Editing Across the Media
12:30-1:50 Intro. to Public Relations and Marketing Communications
3:30-6:20 Imagination, Freedom, and Repression in Latin American Literature
10:00-10:50 www.computing.you
1:30-2:50 Media, Messages, and Society
11:00-12:20 Writing and Editing Across the Media
12:30-1:50 Intro. to PR/Marcomm
10:00-10:50 www.computing.you
Oh man, my teacher just taught us what a right click is! Please save me!!!
More to come later tonight.