Bathtime confusion

Oct 17, 2009 03:58

So I am taking a bath tonight and I go to shave under my arms and one armpit has some hair and the other does not.

(Oh stop it with your thoughts of this being too personal...armpit hair is not TMI.  Get over yourself.)

Anyway so I check and recheck.  Yup.  One pit has hair and the other does not.    So did I just miss one armpit last time or do I have one bald armpit?  Gosh I don't know!  You know, stuff happens as you age and you don't notice it and then suddenly, ta-da, you find a wrinkle here or a spot there or a sag over there.  But a bald armpit?  Really?

I'm sure I just forgot to shave the one armpit.  I'm not exactly a driven, organized bath taker.  I'm usually reading and looking at whatever pet has managed to get into the bathroom to keep me company.   And I don't really look at my own armpits that much.  I mean it isn't swimming weather or anything so why would I be checking my armpits to see if they are shaved?  I'm not a religious armpit shaver anyhow.  Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.  It isn't like I have a tribble under each arm if I don't do a daily mowing or something.  I'm sure I just neglected a pit.

Still maybe I should Google "bald armpit" to see if it is a symptom of something awful.  You never know.   
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