
Jul 09, 2020 12:58

This has been an unexpectedly stressful week. The stress is at least partially self-inflicted through procrastination, which is compounded by poor sleep due to guilt/stress over unfinished stuff and staying up too late because Mr. 42's working later so we eat dinner much later. Thankfully, I persevered and have begun the process of figuring out our new financial system at work in earnest. I even processed a transaction in it yesterday! No idea if I did it correctly, but I managed to make a transaction that hung together consistently and didn't flout any of the many rules baked into it, so here's hoping. There are just many more opportunities to make mistakes and fewer eyes double-checking one's work. So yeah, I've got a few more transactions to get through today and tomorrow, and all of my colleagues are offering to be extra eyes on one anothers' transactions.

In other news, tonight I am hoping to finish AT LONG LAST the middle scene script for the musical. The composer and I had some pushback from one of the kids who didn't like her song but thought the script was good if the song can't be changed. She wanted a ballad, and the words I wrote for it weeks ago were matched to an early song draft that was, unbeknownst to me, rejected by the kid. Unfortunately, there's already a ballad in the quartet of scenes she's in (and the other kid asked for that type of song from the start), so the composer compromised by slowing the tempo down, but keeping the scene, lyrics, and music the same. I'm waiting to hear (or not hear) from the last two kids, whose songs and scenes were sent to them yesterday. One of the songs awaiting approval is the one I wrote (!), so I hope the kid doesn't hate it. I don't think she's been super communicative about the music, so she might be fine doing whatever (that's my hope, anyway, as my song has some whatever moments). The other kid seemed to really like the composer's draft of his piece, so I'm hopeful he won't raise artistic objections. The only potential sticky wickets are that her scene involves another person, so she either has to recruit a family member or get one of us to read it with her, and his scene is set at the beach or near the ocean, and I don't know if he has access to that right now. So we'll see! I'm just SO EXCITED to ALMOST FINALLY have the whole freaking thing done! *flops with an exhausted woooooooooooooo*

In other news, Fiesta Island reopened this week to vehicle traffic, which means we have practical access to the fenced-in off-leash area on the far side of the island once more! So yesterday evening, I took the Long Low Ladies to their favorite place for the first time since mid-March, and they had an absolute blast: running, splashing, digging, ball chasing--all manner of doggy fun. There were actually fewer people there than I expected, but I also made the decision not to go the first day, to try a weeknight instead of the weekend, and closer to sunset than the end of the work day, and we took not-usual paths for extra distance. More folks were masked than not, and I only spotted a few who didn't seem to have masks handy. Nobody crowded us or made us feel uncomortable or unsafe, and I was able to stay far away from those very few who seemed clueless, so we'll definintely go back, though probably not until Monday.

Monday's trip to Fiesta will be especially needful for wearing-out the girls, because the next day, Mr. 42 and I will be taking them on a seven-hour drive to the mountains, where his parents have a lovely condo. We have all been staying home with limited contact with others, so we will be forming a ten-day vacation bubble, and I'm really, really looking forward to being off work and being done, for now, with all the singing stuff! Tomorrow would have been the first day of my annual writer's retreat had the pandemic not happened, so I'm extra-grateful that I still have some relaxing time off to look forward to.

Right! Gonna go take the doggos for their midday walk, get some lunch on board, process some more transactions, do one last read-through of the script, and hope nothing bonkers arrives in my inbox.

Smooches to All,


dogs, vacation, work, musical

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