
Jun 08, 2020 17:16

I thought it would be impossible to over-schedule myself working from home at a time that live choral singing can't happen.


Guess who's managed it?

This week, I get to...
  • Start re-drafting the musical script based on the cast list that will be set in the next couple of days
  • Audiorecord myself singing the sop part of Commissioned Choral Work A (I don't think there's a video component?)
  • Audiorecord myself singing 12 shortish alietoric passages for Commissioned Choral Work B
  • Audiorecord myself singing a longer, assigned notated passage for Commissioned Choral Work B
  • Videorecord five 30-second videos of myself (with the help of Mr. 42 and ellienihon) for Commissioned Choral Work B
  • Learn overtone singing (can now do on command!) and lip vibrato (fun!!) for A Cappella Arrangement
  • Audiorecord myself singing the sop part of A Cappella Arrangement for a video I will not appear in because both of my cars are old (I'm not particularly butthurt over it, you'll understand why when the project is revealed Scratch that, add...
  • Shoot a video for A Cappella Arrangement by getting up early on Saturday and hoping for the best. Note to self: also wash car and make the bits that are falling off not look like they're falling off.
  • Oh yeah and work 40 hours, including some training. At least it's exam week, so I will probably not have to do much else and might end up poaching some work time for something other than social media-ing... doot doo doo....
All of the recordings are for ProChoir, which was awarded Payroll Protection funds to pay us all (yay!). BUT they have to spend it by the 15th, and everyone in charge of preparing music for us apparently waited 'til the last minute to get it to us, which is why we have just over a week to prepare and record everything. Ah well. It's going to cure me of alas-alack-a-day-ing over not getting to sing for a while. Of course, it'd be way easier to rehearse and prepare all of this in person, but such is life. Bless RV for giving me this week and next off of churching. I'm hopeful that my next "on" week will involve getting to prepare and record something fun for him, too.

Speaking of something fun, someone on a Facebook group of nice nerds posted a meme about commonly-confused homophones in fanfic, which led to someone I didn't know posting a link to the wonderful mctabby, long since decamped to DW alas, who brought us the joys of Summary Executions, in which she would round up the worst Harry Potter fic summaries she could find. Here is her best-of Summary Executions post from 2005, and it's still every bit as hilarious now as it was then. Enjoy!

Also, it would be remiss of me to talk about past HP fandom glory days without acknowledging the shittiness of JKR's indisputably transphobic Tweets from this weekend. I contemplated unfollowing her on social media when she previously engaged with transphobic hashtags and liked the transphobic tweets of others, but this weekend's malarkey (and attempting to minimize it) was beyond the pale, so I unfollowed her. My relationship with my gender identity isn't threatened by or cheapened in any way by the existence of transgender women, and I find it very sad that she believes hers is and that she continues to reduce the spectrum of human biological sex and gender expression to an immutable and exclusive binary. I'm tired of her willful stupidity on the issue, and I'm tired of waiting for her to catch up. I will not be giving her another dime, if I can avoid it, until she brings her platform and enormous fortune to the right side of history.

Right! The doggos are asking for a walk, and I owe them a slightly better one than yesterday's. It would have been an acceptable evening walk in the pre-covid-19 era, but they are spoiled now. Plus, I need the exercise. Mr. 42 is teaching until late tonight, so I'm planning to take a crack at laying down some tracks for ProChoir and/or working on the music. I'm hoping I can find some happier fundamentals for overtone singing, because it's pretty vocally taxing at this point. Staying up too late last night drinking cocktails and Zooming with university marching band friends likely wont have done wonders for today's efforts, but I'm hoping I get something today. Besides the new mattress that Mr. 42 bought with a goodly chunk of our stimulus checks, which is the first new mattress we have ever bought and was shipped to us in a miraculously tiny box! I am glad we read the instructions to place it on our sleeping surface before cutting the plastic vacuum packing, because not since those sponge toy capsules has watching an inanimate object grow to its proper size been that entertaining. May it bring us many years of good sleep!

Smooches to All!


work, s/p, current events, house, fandom, singing, friends

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