This morning, Mr. 42 and I liberated the sedan from the shop, so we are a two-car household once more, a thing I appreciate all the more after not having access to a car for the past four days. Fortunately, AL, one of my fellow sops in master chorale, lives in the same complex we do, so I've been able to catch rides home with her after rehearsal every night this week. She was also able to serve as a go-between to donate an appliance I don't use to a migrant camp in Tijuana, which is excellent on several levels.
Alas, yesterday's Mercury-Retrograde fun did not end with having to do last-minute social media-ing due to the Julian calendar.
When I got to the bus stop, I realized I'd forgotten my phone, so I had to go back to my office to get it, thus missing the bus that goes all the way downtown. So instead, I caught the bus that goes halfway downtown, hoping to catch the bus that goes the rest of the way. No such luck, so I decided to call a Lyft. Unfortunately, the app said the driver would pick me up on the other side of the trolley tracks, which are protected by a pointy fence to keep people from walking across. So I tried to go around it, but there wasn't an opening where I needed it, so I carefully but deliberately hopped it with the help of a conveniently placed gas meter. Unfortunately, I landed hard and bruised my heel, so I limped over to where the app said my driver was, but she wasn't there. So I called her and guess what? She was back on the other side where I had first called her. Thankfully, she waited as I made my way back over there (not jumping the fence this time).
Then I realized I was going to be later than expected, so I tried to place an online order at the restaurant across the street from symphony hall, but they only do DoorDash, through which one can order a pickup if one's phone doesn't only show restaurants around one's home. Eventually, I got around that and placed the order, but when my Lyft driver dropped me off, the order wasn't ready yet. By the time it was, it was nearly call time, so inestead of going all the way around the block to the stage door, I cut through the building lobby and hoped that someone would open the door to the orchestra lobby (where we warm up) when I banged on it. Unfortunately, my bangs weren't answered, so I texted the bass section leader to let me in but he wasn't there because he was at another rehearsal. I heard JR calling the warm-up to order through the door and tried one last bang, but though I heard someone jiggle the door, they weren't able to open it (!!!). So I still had to walk all the way back to the stage door and was late to warm-up. I had no time to eat the food I'd just picked up before rehearsal, much less take cute pics for social media or encourage a Bach flash mob, and my heel was understandably grumpy with me.
Fortunately, things got much better once I started singing, and while it wasn't a perfect dress rehearsal, it was definitely a good one. And we were released at 8:30 pm instead of 9:30 pm, which was WONDERFUL! And AL and I had a fun conversation about lawyers (she is one) on the way home from rehearsal. She is really neat, in addition to having a kick-ass singing voice.
Today, I have reimbursements and a faculty lunch meeting to take care of. One thing that has not yet gone to crap this week (though the day is young) is final exam-related stuff. I got to help a colleague figure out how to do something with our Scantron software that I've never done before, and even though it took me longer than it might have on a less crazy week, the fact that I figured out a way to do it was cool. Especially since that colleague is out sick today and I had to re-grade it because the professor discovered an error in the answer key. :D Still convinced that no knowledge should be considered a waste, even if it's not being used when or the way we think it should.
Righty ho. Off to go clean up after the aforementioned lunch and try to accomplish a few more Travel reimbursements today. Now that I have a car again (and have a later call time) I actually have time to go home, walk the dogs, eat, and put on make-up before our first Puccini performance tonight. Here's hoping for good music-making and a restful Saturday of sleeeep and probably also laundry.
Smooches to All!