Picking up speed

Mar 14, 2019 17:14

I ended up doing a bonus shift distributing exams whilst covering for an ill colleague. Good thing my colleague didn't attempt that shift because I set a personal record for most number of students helped (147) in two hours, and loads of those students were picking up more than one exam. Alas, that did suck up a goodly amount of time that I'd planned to spend working on reimbursements and Big Lecture Series tasks. At least I got a bit of both done afterwards AND formatted survey feedback from my second of two surveys. I will need to check the results again tomorrow and add comments from the Johnny-come-latelys, and then actually be present and take minutes for what is likely to be a Long Meeting of Long. Note to self: order coffee. Lots of coffee.

Tired. At least there is lovely singing tonight with Heavenly Choir. And I had a very large and delicious burrito for lunch.

I am half-deliberately giving some space to a couple of friends who are going through some stressful times because they have recently used me as a scratching post. While I am normally supportive of stressed-out friends, even those who lash out, I don't have the badwidth to do that right now. I'm already losing sleep to my lengthy work and not-work to-do lists, and frankly, I value my mental and physical well-being over theirs right now. Two other good friends are also going through deeply stressful times, and I'd rather give what few fucks remain in my nearly-empty supply to people who aren't being jerks to me right now. I'll forgive and forget when I'm better rested and get more things off my to-do list. Such are friendships of long standing. *snort*

In shameless self-promotion, I was delighted to see that our local NPR station exended the deadline for nominating books for One Book One San Diego to tomorrow (the library website says March 8th), so I miiiight have encouraged friends who live in San Diego zip codes to nominate my book for it. There is absolutely zero chance of it being selected, as it doesn't quite meet all of this year's criteria per KPBS (it meets the library's required criteria so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), but getting my book under the eyes of more librarians and book lovers is by no means a bad thing. Plus, maybe enough glowing nominations (in addition to my solid pro reviews) might get me on the short list, which for a self-published book, would be a dream come true, TBH. Of course, I also nominated my own book, because who wants to leave such things to chance? And nobody will consider my book if they don't know it exists, right?

In other whining, I may have to wait more than a month before I get my next review or hear anything from any of the outsanding book awards I submitted the book to. Such is life. I have written half of a Christmas carol in the interim, so there is that to keep working on. Ditto Evensong music and Puccini, because I was too tired when I got home from work last night to do much apart from loving on the dogs and watching Chef's Table with Mr. 42.

Right! Gonna go catch the bus home and try not to suck at rehearsal last night. Auspices are good, as I sort of know most of the stuff we're working on.

Smooches to All!


work, lyrics, book, writing, iwp, singing, aspl

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