
Mar 06, 2019 12:27

I may be fast approaching the age where the time one is most likely to get injured is whilst sleeping. Or I could already be there.

Although I do blame the dogs, who in their affectionate desire to be close to me, forced me into some bizarre contortions while I slept, which left me with a big ol' knot to the left of my spine and ooh does it ache. It aches when I slouch, it aches when I sit upright, and it hurts when I breathe deeply. I have stretched and will be doing so periodically throughout the day, hoping it'll pop loudly and stop hurting. Heh, my exam distribution shift is gonna be fun. And by "fun," I mean "will involve making amusing old lady sounds whenever I bend over to get an exam or push a drawer closed."

I stayed at work waaay too late last night because I needed to do a Thing for Chair involving a new-to-me survey platform, plus a last-minute exam copy request came in, so I had to babysit the photocopier for a bit and drop the exam off with Instructor on my way out. I got home pretty much at the same time Mr. 42 did and set to various tasks, including working on music for tonight and running through my aria for the recital a few times. RV switched me to alto on the Byrd, which means I get to pull out my low F#, but I should make it through without too much damage to myself or the piece.

After a delicious meal of enchiladas (tortillas are flat, so it was sort of like observing pancake day/shrove Tuesday), we watched Incredibles 2, which is finally on Netflix. I liked it better than I was expecting to, given the criticism I'd heard of some of the Mr. Mom-type humor. It was nice to see more ladies in that world with agency. But Bob was pretty terrible at putting a brave face on things. I'm grateful it didn't seem to faze Helen. And while the movie was super fun, my favorite part may have been the end of the credits, where we got to hear the absolutely delightful vintage-sounding theme songs for Elastigirl, Frozone, and Mr. Incredible, with words by Brad Bird and music by the wonderful Michael Giacchino. Mr. 42 and I laughed and laughed!

We also got some excellent snuggles with the girls.

Right now, I am futzing about with a bizzare airfare request and have kicked the conversation up above my paygrade, where it belongs.

So much tail-chasing today. I hate tail-chasing days, but betwen final exams, recruitment, and endowed lecture, it's kind of inevitable. I may not be able to change the number of annoying, redundant, and/or completely unnecessary things people ask of me today, but I can at least not bite anybody's head off via email and swear loudly/sputter incoherently in the relative privacy of my office, to my office-mate's amusement.

Composer friend KM has asked me to write text for a Christmas carol, so I am mulling. The only idea that I've had thus far is waaaay too silly for this project (i.e., that angels must look like giant sheep because when they appeared to the shepherds, there was only mention of the shepherds being afraid (because whoops we kinda ate baby angels). I have attempted to open up a discussion of progressive aspects of the nativity on The Social Media Site That Must Not Be Named and used the flight into Egypt informing immigration policy as an example, but thus far all I've gotten is sarcastic and/or cynical replies from lapsed Christians, which pretty much means that anybody who might actually have thoughts on the subject is probably not going to comment for fear of being harassed by my other friends. So helpful. *rolls eyes* Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll get a thoughtful response via private message.

Right. Off to go try to not be snappish and not FU anything BAR today, including but not limited to tonight's Ash Wednesday service, so happy Butt Dust Day ("You are but dust, and to dust you shall return.") to all, and smooches to them as needs 'em.


work, health, lyrics, film

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