I stink at productivity this week

Sep 26, 2018 14:59

The news continues to be awful.

Friends continue to share their personal stories of awfulness in support of those who are telling the truth to the powers that be. The powers that be don't appear to give a shit, and that's disheartening and infuriating. Hopefully this will result in a shit-ton of fed-up women voting the powers that be out of office in a little over forty days. This one certainly will. Except that I live in the civilized land of California, so I will be voting mostly for incumbents because the more the right screams about Nancy Pelosi, the more I love her. Give 'em hell, CA ladies. *considers digging out pantsuit for election day*

I somehow didn't work on music last night because I was doing stuff up until it was too late to sing. I'm slightly peeved at myself for this, but I should still be OK with working on it tonight and trying to find time to listen to things tomorrow and Friday. Sadly, I seem to be motivated by deadlines only this week, so I am being sure to promise to have stuff done by the end of the day so I can actually force myself out of my torpor and do them.

At least there's a potential for productivity today, as I have made a list. Though my torpor has been brought to you today by grumpy uterus molting. I'm on the pilll, so I've been indulging in a common off-label use, namely skipping the the monthly molt. However, it's been just about a year since it last molted, and it's been doing a low-grade molt for the past two weeks ("Spotting." Makes me sound like an owl or a medieval carol), so I figured I should stop taking pills so it can molt properly. I suppose it's good to be periodically (tee hee) reminded why I skip the damned thing.

In nicer news, Mr. 42 picked up one of TJ's magnificent spatchcocked chickens for dinner, so we ate like kings after walking the girls and enjoyed 1.5 episodes of Bake-Off: the end of pudding (OMG trifles!) and all of the pastry episode, which was lovely and funny. So at least it was a super-low key and relaxing evening, even if I got diddlysquat done. The girls continue to be super cuddly. Aww.

I am feeling less bummed about not advancing in the BookLife Prize today and looking forward to the next contests, so I'll call that progress. I'm also still engrossed in "Children of Blood and Bone," though trying not to get too invested in resolving any one plot line because I know it's going to be a trilogy. I usually don't read unfinished book serieses, but Tomi Adeyemi really impressed me at Comic-Con, so I'm reading and enjoying.

I also had a lovely chat with thymidinekinase, who is wonderful and makes me constantly grumble that country is too darned wide. I also had lunch with SY today, which reminds me that campus is thankfully not as wide. Also, I have obtained a score of David Lang's "The Little Match Girl Passon" via interlibrary loan, which I started reading on my walk back from the library in proper Hermione style. I just managed not to run into or trip on anything or anyone. Mr. 42 and I have a tentative date to listen to it together, and I'm studying the libretto for research purposes. Wheeee!

OK, gotta go check a few more things off the old list. The sooner I make it to quittin' time, the sooner I get to read more! Yay!

Smooches to All,


ilp, current events, book, writing, friends, books

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