Boxing Day and Gifts!

Dec 26, 2015 21:25

It was a warm, rainy Boxing Day in rural IL. Mr. 42 and I slept in, which was lovely. Yummy foods were eaten, lots of music was sung, quite a bit of it in 4-part harmony, gifts were enjoyed, games were played, and the woods were lovely, damp, and deep. And wa-hey! The reveals for sshg_giftfest went up!

Firstly, my admiration and deep gratitude to iqeret for writing me a truly extraordinary gift. A Melody En Passant is a sweet, melancholy, utterly gorgeous romance featuring two lonely souls that heal themselves and one another through a common mode of expression. I cannot possibly overstate the sophistication of its construction, the sheer inventiveness on display, or its lyrical beauty. If you read SS/HG and have ever been touched by music, this story will touch your heart as deeply as it did mine.

And next, I can admit to writing the following story, in which I had entirely too much fun inventing wizarding comic books and making Ron sympathetic. I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to AR, Sc010f, bluestocking79 and pyjamapants for idea bouncing, Mr. 42 for beta reading, and the miraculous dickgloucester for Britpicking!

Title: Late Shift at Palindrome / At FFN / At AO3
Pairing: Severus/Hermione, past Ron/Hermione, side of Harry/Draco
Rating: Explicit / NC-17
Word Count: 31K
Tags/Warnings: EWE, Ron POV, angst, erotica/pornography, voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, kinky but consensual power play, and graphic smut. Potentially triggery references to rape (not in an erotic context), miscarriage, and PTSD.
Summary: Ron leaves his job as an Auror and his engagement in one fell swoop. His jilted fiancée is out for blood and is displeased to find that Ron has a staunch defender in his new employer and that he's more than capable of standing up to her.

I'll be posting the story to AO3 and FFN, but my brain is tired, so it's best not to do so tonight. AND TOMORROW I AM FINALLY SEEING STAR WARS!!!!

Right. Bed.

Love to All!


family, giftfst, holiday, writing, fic

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