Made it!

Dec 17, 2013 20:54

The director gave us a profuse apology for flipping out last night, which went a long way towards reassuring those of us who dreaded tonight that there would not be more flipping out.

There was no string quartet, but this was a blessing because it was four less people to worry about and fewer distractions for the director. And Mr. 42 told me that he was able to tell the kids that they'd done a splendid job under horrible circumstances before they left, so I was very happy to hear that. And he sounded fantastic as featured instrumentalist.

The performance went better than it had any right to after that execrable dress rehearsal.

And if I may say, I sounded good on the recitatives and I sounded very good on "Come Unto Him." Mr. 42, who is an honest critic with high standards, told me I sounded lovely. "Your voice has really changed since you started taking voice lessons again," he said. "You wouldn't have sounded like that if you'd done it two years ago." He's right. The last time I did the recitatives, I strained for that high A. I hit it just fine, but I had to muscle it. Tonight, it soared. And two years ago I was grateful not to do "Come Unto Him" because the tessitura was uncomfortably high. Tonight, it felt AWESOME. Oh Voice Teacher, I'm so sad you won't be teaching privately anymore, but I'm going to do my darndest to keep what you've given me. I'll even PRACTICE! :D

Right. Having Stone smoked porter with vanilla bean to celebrate and Giovanni has just taken his place on my lap, so I'm going to unwind and get me some puppy cuddles.

Love and Blessed Relief to All!


music, concert, giovanni, singing

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