"You too can have your ten seconds of radio fame!"

Oct 02, 2006 14:49

San Diego's NPR station, KPBS, has requested that people send in limericks on the subject of public radio. Never one to resist writing limericks or a "do our work for us before our fall membership drive" campaign, I submitted mine today.

We radio listeners assiduous
Shall be evergreen, never deciduous,
Since our mem'ries don't fade
Of the shows that are played,
And our needling's rather mellifluous.

I submit humble rhyming orthography
To extol NPR's wide demography
From Richard and Martha,
To life of Siddhartha;
Our history's vast bibliography.

With our stories from Persians to pandas
That omit slants, spins, and propagandas.
We eschew such polemic-
We're so academic
If we zing you, you won't understand us.

If you feel like submitting your own NPR limerick by the end of the day, send them to words@kpbs.org

npr, current events, words, rhyme

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