Given it up as a bad book.

Nov 10, 2009 11:43

Ari and Bluey, you were right. I continued reading "Tropic of Cancer" on the bus ride home yesterday because I didn't have anything else to read. I have come to the conclusion it's simply awful writing that's achieved piggyback success thanks to far better banned books like "Ulysses." Clearly, Miller intends to elevate the squalor of his setting and characters with poetic language, but his sentiments are so banal and ineptly expressed that his attempts come off as vulgar, tawdry, and cheaply provocative. Norman Mailer's frequently-quoted admiration for "Tropic of Cancer" quite frankly makes me want to give him a pass, as well.

Well, on to nicer things. I started Milan Kundera's "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" this morning on the bus, and my brain heaved a huge sigh of relief. Much better! And only 300 pages!

I had an idea this morning at about 5:30 am and managed to drag myself to the computer to write it down. It's about 500 words of o-fic that's pretty damned funny, but I need to maintain the conceit for another 300-500 words with another narrator in order to satisfy the requirements of my target publisher, which could prove tricky. I shall think on it. Also, if the media watchers on my f-list could keep an eye out for current news stories (preferably on major TV news) about body hair, I'd be most appreciative.

Love to All,

Queen of the Apparent Non Sequitur

ydwmea, writing, reading, books

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