It is San Diego Beer Week!

Nov 06, 2009 09:24

Every beer destination in town is having Events. Many of them involve captial-f Food.

Last night, we went to the Blind Lady Ale House for Delirium beer and tasting menu. I had duck confit with braised greens, sweet potato, guanciale, apricot-cherry mustarda served with Delirium Nocternum and gingerbread cake, raisin puree, apple cider ice cream served with Delirium Noel. The letters "OMG" are insufficient to describe the delectability. There was also a scallops course that I had to forego due to my cauliflower intolerance, but I was still quite a happy camper.

Courtesy the Social Networking Site that Must Not Be Named, where I mentioned that we would be headed to dinner, we were joined by three dear friends and stayed out later than was strictly wise, but it was a superb evening.

Saturday evening, we'll be heading to the San Diego Brewer's Guild Festival, which is always fun, and the rest of the time we will be splitting between our regular pub and other places that tempt us with the promise of particularly excellent nibbles. Such an embarrassment of riches!

In other news, I'm going to try to get some painting done this weekend. We've decided on a lovely pale purple for the guest bedroom and a sort of dreamsicle orange for the guest bathroom. I don't normally care for orange, but it's charming and easy on the eyes. And it's an excuse to replace the ratty blue towels and bathmat with white, which should look quite smart. Saturday I'll try to get the orange paint, currently white, tinted and get the first coat on the wall (small bathrooms are much easier to paint solo), and perhaps Sunday we'll get the first coat on the bedroom. I'm so excited that we're finally painting the guest room. I always felt a bit bad about throwing visitors into a room that's so obviously not finished. I'll be hitting Kohls for coordinating linens sometime after we finish painting. I feel so domestic!

On the book front, the protagonist of "Of Human Bondage" really annoyed me yesterday. Fortunately, things have gone right for him recently and the horrid woman he's obsessed with is currently out of the picture, so I'm enjoying it more. More gigglesnorts on the bus today. I do like cynical characters.

Right! Conversations of morphine Jell-O need to be eavesdropped upon.

Love to all,


ETA: I'M ON THE QUIZ!!! SQUEEEEEE!!!!! If you're a SS/HG person who doesn't follow the quiz_sshg, it's high time you started! Today's topic: SOS Save Our Snape! Did I mention squeeeeee? In case I didn't, SQUEEEEE!!!

ETA: Locals and the curious are encouraged to check out the San Diego Beer Week website for even information. Bwaha!

work, ydwmea, food, house, beer, books

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