Unadulterated hoppiness

Mar 30, 2006 21:02

In cosmic retribution to the grave and sober world for giving me an interminable and wretched Thursday, I am sending out some silliness to the world at large. As promised long ago, I present my current opus, an ode to intoxicants, a ballad to booze, a canticle to cold ones-

Without further ado, I present The Hoppopotamus Song (sung to the tune of Flanders & Swann's Hippopotamus Song)

Dedicated to Tom Nickel and his wife Lindsey, proprieters of O'Brien's.

The bold Hoppopotamus proudly surveyed
All the taps of his watering hole;
From Alpine to Zäpfle and all in between
The finest on draft or to pull.
While back in the kitchen with chili astir
His fair Hoppopotama maid;
This Hoppopotamus was no ignoramus
And sang her this sweet serenade:

Hops, hops, glorious hops!
Nothing quite like them for cooling the chops!
So follow me follow, to the brewing Apollo,
Who’ll coax us to swallow those glorious hops!

The two hoppopotomi then opened their doors
To the great unwashed masses of they
Who, after one sip’ll try tippling a tripel
And wash it down with IPA.
Before long, the crowd clamored louder and louder
For more IBUs and more grain.
The hoppopotomi obliged them with foamy
And foreign brews hard to obtain.

Hops, hops, glorious hops!
Nothing quite like them for cooling the chops!
Ye harts and hinds gather for literate blather
And sip the sweet lather from glorious hops!

The dear hoppopotomi now welcome us all
To partake in indulgence sublime.
Our glasses will clink as we raise them to drink
To the spirits of each land and clime.
We drink all at once with a sonorous slurp,
And we fill all our glasses again;
A regular army of hoppopotomi
All singing this rousing refrain:

Hops, hops, glorious hops!
Nothing quite like them for cooling the chops!
But caveat lector, not meaning to hector,
Indulge in the nectar of glorious hops!

The End

I'm thinking of leaving it on O'Brien's answering machine when I can be arsed to figure out the chords on guitar. I used to have them in my "Rise Up Singing" songbook, but the books keep walking out on me. I'm not sure I can bring myself to purchase a third copy.

One of these days!

LibDogg Out

PS Coming soon to a blog near you: The Madoppotamus Song!

PPS Well, maybe not soon. I'm stuck in Washington DC without a computer and working insane hours at my company's booth at an AACR meeting until April 5th. Send me happy thoughts that have nothing to do with science, marketing, or networking!

filk, poetry, words, writing, rhyme, beer

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