Damn pay day is tommorrow and i am tempted to once again go to buckle and buy expensive (but very very nice) jeans. i feel like a complete and total FLAMER. But this aside i feel that this summer has been spent on too much work (40ish hours a week) and not enough fun. Maybe i should spend more money on more cheap wine..... oh bye the way, last time i was at south pointe there was a guy playing the guitar, and he was damn good. It started to rain so me and steph and brad helped him get his stuff into his van.... and he offered to buy us smoothies. He was a nice guy and he was damn good at the guitar. and im going to go see him play that guitar in durham near panache or some place thats expensive, ask me for detail or what ever
bizzare linkage:
http://www.theblackelvis.com/indexb.htm (nuff said N*GGA)