Back to the Egg

Nov 24, 2011 21:47

As most of you will know I hit fifty last Friday. This led to a bit of retrospective thinking about my life, which in turn led me to asking my other if she had any photos of me as a baby as it would be nice to see them. They arrived today, and I decided to scan them so my other could have the originals back, and then I thought there might be some amusement to be gained by posting them on here.

My mother didn't have very many photos, but you have to remember that back then getting film developed was quite expensive, at least in comparison to wages. People actually got employed to develop films in local chemists. My mother was the daughter of a "downstairs" lady, and as I was born out of wedlock as the result of an affair my teenage mother had with an older and married naval officer, our little family, consisting of me, my mother, her mother, and her mother's live-in companion, were on the poor end of the scale when I was born.

Thus the first photo I have is from when I was six months old, obviously posed for a photographer.

The next comes from when I am 8 and a half months old, in July 1962, during a visit to Hatham Park at Bognor Regis. Bognor is one of the famous resort towns like Brighton. I guess that must be a Humpty Dumpty. It seems to be a common thing for people to pose babies next to. Some sort of threat about falling off of walls?

And this one is from when I was ten months old

I suspect the following picture of my mother and I was taken by a rich relative who could afford a colour camera. In February 1963, when this was taken, I would have been about 13 months old

Here I'm just over fifteen months old. That's a woollen mitten hanging off of one hand, and the person the background is the afore-mentioned companion, whom I used to know as "Little Nan". My grandmother was called "Big Nan" as she was taller and far more masculine than Little Nan. It was Big Nan who would take me out to the shed to chop wood or make things using hammers and nails. We're standing on the front path of the Nan's house in Bosham. I seem to remember that duffel coat lasted a long time.

Finally, for this post anyway, and this is a bit of a jump, here's one from when I was four years old. I believe this photo was taken in a park in Freemantle, Australia, where we moved with my first step-dad Willy, when I was just over two. He was a sail-maker, which is why we moved to Freemantle.

Well, I hope some of you enjoyed that little glimpse into my early childhood. I certainly enjoyed putting it together, being all reminiscy and stuff.

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young me, life

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