sings : Is everybody happy?
This light-hearted but incisive
commentary on our modern world might help you understand why you sometimes feel like sitting on a tall building and shooting anything that moves. Oh wait, is that just me? :) Seriously, I think the writer of that little rant has packed a more effective piece of education on mental health into one web column than many would get from a year's worth of therapy. Read it. Some of you don't need to, but they will at least get a laugh. Some of you do.
I may have posted a link to this before, but it's in theme, so here's some tips on
caring for your introvert. It's also rather amusing, but does address an issue.
You didn't think I was an introvert? Well, I'm a role-player, remember. I can play what I need to be to get by. Remember
The Pretender? Lovely Jarod. That's me. Except I'm not working for some shadowy think tank or intelligence agency. Really. Please ignore the men in suits with sunglasses and bulges in their arm-pits. But I do know someone with a similar name who does work for a similar organization... :)
I'm continuing to read through the whole Vorkosigan saga. I've just finished Memory. Bujold's writing gets better. And some of the core themes of the series address the playing or roles, how we need them, and how roles allow one to get around those things that would otherwise prevent you from moving on or destroy you. The most extreme example in these books is how Mile's clone brother Mark survived Royaval's torture. But they can also be destructive, the most obvious result being split personalities.
We all have roles. (sings : Are mine the same as yours?) The role you play when visiting your parents. The role you play as a lover. The role you play when you stand up in front of an audience and pretend to know what you're talking about. The role you play when you're hurt and want to lash out at the world. The role you play when you want to curl into a ball and make the world go away. The role you play when listening to another's troubles. Roles are often made explicit in computer systems or job titles.
Ask yourself
- What roles am I playing today?
- What roles do I regularly play?
- Which ones help?
- Which ones should I try to control?
Your roles need active management, and you need to be aware you have them.
Ok, so really I just decided it was Mental Health Day, based on the content of the post. Though it probably is somewhere. Maybe on Barrayar?
Seeing the word "control" in the last question above reminded me of an idea I had at Conspiracy II for a series of silly D/s-related fantasy porn stories. With the whole idea purely to use the titles. Yes I know, sillly idea. But anyway here's the first three titles I came up with :
- Con Troll - The story of a troll named Con, with obvious Greek ancestry of course, working for an intelligence agency
- Sub Mission - An underwater / underground assignment for Con. Submissive dwarves are probably involved
- Domi Nation - The Domi are an extremely hierarchically organized humanoid society who are trying to free their homeland after years of oppression. Think Israel. Con assists their independence
Strange dreams last night : some small and strange Final Fantasy faerie dragon insect pet creature, with sharp pink claws that retracted like an Alien's mouth-parts into it's wrists, was trying to snuggle into my shirt. It was cute until it started sucking my nipple, which was both painful and pleasurable, at which point I got embarrassed, and slightly worried as well, as it seemed to be feeding on something...
I award smug grins to those that get the two musical references.