Recently I posted a link to a news story about people supposedly documenting a scientific basis for girls preferring pink.
Bad Science nicely debunks this.
It also talks about how publicly-funded research institutions are trying to prevent public access to findings paid for by the public by putting them behind pay-walls designed for institutional access. This is beginning to become a significant issue, and came to ahead recently when a Cambridge University chemist found that Oxford University Press' website demanded $48 from him for his own scientific paper, without his permission, and against the terms of the Creative Commons he released it under.
The Bad Science article also links to the
Bem Sex Role Inventory, described as "a self-rated test explicitly designed to measure how much you adhere to socially desirable, stereotypically masculine and feminine personality characteristics" which seems so much like a meme, I thought I'd do it as one :
You scored 74.167 out of masculine points, 51.667 out of feminine points, and 63.158 out of androgynous(neutral) points)
Have fun inventorying your sex role yourself! "Bem" does not mean bug-eyed monster, btw, but Dr. Sandra Lipsitz Bem who developed it in 1971.
On the other hand it seems we may soon be able to
grow our own replacement heart valves from adult bone marrow stem cells .
And passed on from the TNC list,we have
DealExtreme, lots of cheap tech toys with free postage and Payment via PayPal.
This one is just so appropriate for the office, doncha think?