So I stayed home today. Slept all morning with heater going.
I don't think it was that cold out today but I felt frozen as well as having a phlegmy throat and a runny 'doze'. I still have the latter two, but I least I feel warm now.
And exactly the wrong day to do it too, seeing as I don't get to see
seraphs_folly today because she's gone camping. Felt really down last night and early this morning, main problem of not being with one's love, nothing to cuddle in bed when you feel cold and miserable, no-one to remove the feeling that this is what the rest of life will be like.
Still, at least that way the cold isn't likely to be inflicted on them
Also, I ran out of cloves. And money. I did a deal with myself yesterday, if I wasn't able to buy cloves with my credit card, I'd take that as a sign I should stop smoking them again. At least regularly anyway. I'm sure I'll still be into the occasional one during a night on the town. So I don't have any at present. I'll wean myself with the remains of the Camels I bought a while ago when there weren't any cloves available, don't want to go completely cold turkey or no-one will be able to bear to have me around, but as even Camels are bland and tasteless after cloves, I won't want them as much.
The next step will be trying to do some exercise. Everyone is doing it,
holding_pattern, even
evie_fae now, and I know I need to do it, I don't like the flabby bits or having to breathe heavily after walking up to Piwakwaka, and I definitely need to get fitter if
seraphs_folly is doing fifty laps a day, because otherwise she'll completely destroy me when she gets back!
But arrgh! The idea of actually exercising makes me want to have a smoke instead! :)
This morning when I finally got up though, I felt much better. I'm warm, it's sunny. I have money again, some expenses got paid in last night. I have company,
panda_pitt is working on an assignment, and Lancelot, L's cat, is grinny and purry and cuddly. L and a friend have just come home.
Might get a chance to get some rubbish into the bin and do some shopping too.
So, let me ask the assembled multitudes, what does one do with hundreds of MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) International Pack CDs? Does anyone actually want a copy of Outlook 2000 in Korean, or the beta of Windows Server 2000 in Japanese, or Project 98 in Brazilian Portugese, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish?
I no longer use Microsoft products whenever I can avoid them, and I haven't developed for the operating system since the late 90's, and am reasonably confident I'll never have to again, as Microsoft slowly dies as an applications and OS company, having nothing to offer now that isn't available elsewhere for free.
It seems a waste to use them all for clay pigeon shooting or some such, even though it would give a lot of satisfaction. Anyone want them? Any creative suggestions for disposal?
And I won't be getting to Nausicaä this evening, maybe tomorrow night.
Thinking of movies, I have a two for one to Brick, described as "90210 and The OC go noir" by NYT. Anyone want to be the other half of the two? Maybe Friday?