holding_pattern Wolverine
Congratulations! You scored a super 38%! You are the hunter, the lone wolf. A rebel without a cause. You don't play by the rules, and whilst you have some sense of morality and do-goodery in you, saving the world is a little far beyond your grasp.
The people you're trying to save often fear and misunderstand you, while your enemies tremble at the whisper of your name. And just because you prefer to slip under the radar, this doesn't mean that you won't pummel seven shades of crap out of anyone who gets you angry.
Your main aim isn't fame or fortune, as this is very much a personal mission you've embarked on. You feel that by taking out the scum, low-lifes and common thugs, you can repay your debt to the world for your past crimes or a twisted past.
Hmmmm, ok so it's a tough life... but hey, at least you look cool. Respect.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 0% on Heropoints
The Which SUPER HERO are you Test written by
crayzee69 on
Ok Cupid That's pretty much spot on. I'm even old with a military background. Just wish I had the claws, man. And the mutant healing factor. Shame about Jean though, and her preference for the boy.
Nevermind, broads are more trouble than they're worth, you rememebr Mariko? And what happened to her? Hell, throw us another brew, 'Crawler! At least a man can rely on a beer.
Hark, Ye scored 44! Ahh, You are Hamlet, the protagonist from, duh, Shakespeare's Hamlet. You have an inherent need to wax philosophical and figure out everything... no matter how painstaking that process may be. You need to plow through all sorts of thoughts before you make a decision, and normally, you waste way too much energy in doing so.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 6% on SC
The Shakespearian Character Test written by
LoudmouthLee on
Ok Cupid Bull Dyke
You Are What You Are That blindly stubborn agression doesn't work for men, either. You're so afraid of your own femininity that wearing a dress becomes a political statement.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 43% on racial
You scored higher than 69% on loserdom
You scored higher than 11% on social
You scored higher than 83% on sexual
The Horrifying Stereotype Test written by
RelaxLove on
Ok Cupid So, if I'm a man, and I'm a dyke, does that make me a real man?