Sep 08, 2006 11:49

You know i try and try to teach my smellies the importance of politeness and manners, I teach them about never cheating (unless the git deserves it) and earning respect. Lastly hard work which somehow seems to elude them.
After my 3rd glass of frothy washing liquid flavored Pepsi max, (MMM! lemon fresh)i thought to myself awe! well at least they try.
This is until i make a sandwich...oh dear!
I picked up the knife for spreading much butter to find that oh it still has some remnants of butter from yesterday and oh look it still has some marmite on it too.
So i change it for another only this one was covered in a slimy substance i am not sure i even want to describe. Once a clean knife was attained *ie: I washed it* and my sandwich was made i went to get a plate,
The first i dropped as i pulled it from the cupboard, it slid from my grip and no matter how hard it tried to keep hold, it slipped, slid then smashed on the floor. The second tried to do the same but this time i was ready and grabbed with evey part of my body i could possibly use to hold the plate till i reached the side ( surface for all those who don't know what a side is)0n closer inspection i realized that there was a fine film of grease on the plates.
So the evil ones are going to learn how to do the washing up properly AGAIN!
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