Better mood, Yay! Quite possibly because I slept from 4pm on Friday until 8 am on Saturday, but who knows!
I feel creepily energetic after a weekend of being semi-productive and semi-sleep deprived.... I've been working in the large animal hospital and I absolutely love it... Unfortunately, there aren't a whole ton of opportunities to spend a lot of time down there (since the crew I work on is pretty big and there aren't that many shifts)..
However, spending time down there made me remember that there are only really 2.5 ish years until I'm doing what I came here to do....
So if I can just make it through, there's hope.
And it doesn't hurt that one of the surgery residents in the hospital has a wonderful british accent. Just saying....
It sort of bothers me that I do best when I'm under a lot of pressure and haven't slept.