(no subject)

Aug 08, 2006 22:33

So I don't have internet at my house... so I'm using the internet in Starbucks in Athens...

and I wish I had a camera.... because this mom just came up to me and said, "Oh my goodness, you and my son have the same hair!" and proceeds to point him out (he's ~13or 14 years old) and ask me how I usually wear it, blah blah blah...

pretty funny... because our hair is completely identical (it's dark, dark almost-black-brown with a blond mohawk strip)

Other comments have included "well whatchu got goin on there shoddy?" and "hmm... thaz unique" from random gas station attendants and numerous "you look like a skunk" comments...

but it's awesome.....

So I'm officially moved into Athens, I just saw my roommate in the flesh for the first time (she seems pretty cool) and I realized that I am completely, utterly, uber scared shitless of starting vet school (we have orientation on Thurs, classes start on Monday)

We're talking a borderline panic attack... it just hit me that I'm starting the next four years of training for the profession that I am then going to be doing for the rest of my life..... and also, this is dumb... but I have to say this somewhere...

I've never wanted to look like everyone else, but I'm really nervous that I'm going to go and be that immediately judged as some stupid 19-year old with ridiculous hair and tattoos...... I know it's dumb, but I'm just really fucking terrified.

The age of my classmates ranges from me to a couple people in their 5th or 6th decade.......

Ahhhh (pulls at hair and looks stupid because my hair is short)....

And  I can't decide if I want to go large or small animal, and I'm afraid that if I go large animal, I'm going to be super suck, because even though I've been riding/caring for horses since I was eight, the past few years of full boarding Magellan have caused me to forget absolutely everything.... Augh

Anyway, there's that rant....

Oh, and I definitely donated 8 trash bags of clothing to Goodwill and I STILL have too many clothes to fit in my room.... arghghgh... so many damn t-shirts and pants that I'm for some reason inclined to hang onto.....
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