In the office, as I was aimlessly wasting away, chatting with Lea (yes, this is what I do in the "office"; at least for now ehe), she directed me to Ala Paredes' blog. What started out as a solution to my boredom (reading about Alicia Keys moments and about her being a barista in Sydney) turned into a sad discovery. I clicked on one of the links ( and it turned out to a community forum. Entry #2 had my whole attention from that point on.
I was able to read a post concerning a certain group called the Bacolod Air Rifle Hunting Club. Obviouly, members of this group indulge in hunting wild birds and kill large numbers of birds in every hunt. To make a long story short, several Philippine foundations and individuals have made a move to put a stop to these grizzly acts. I couldn't help but sign the petition. They need to reach the 10,000 signature target in order for any action to take place.
I know it' probably cheesy and and i'm gonna look like a tree hugger (or animal-hugger? hmmm) but if it moves you enough, I encourage you guys to sign this petition. Hunting in itself, I believe, isn't a bad thing. But to do so in such an abusive manner is going overboard.
Check out the following links to find our more about this issue.