Nov 17, 2005 20:16
hey everyone, how's it going?
i had a decent day. went to the mall to sign up for Christmas Eve evening off (so hopefully i will be off by 5), and discovered that next week i work tuesday, friday, and saturday (yay... the 2 days after thanksgiving... i will be working my butt off....). then i shopped around some, was looking for black pants for the new dress code at work. however, i was unsuccessful at the mall, so i went to kohl's, and found a pair for less than $10 (they were 50% off the already sale price). i also bought some jeans for my mommy while i was there. they were really cute, and only $10, so i figured, why not? she was so excited too. awww... that makes it worth every penny. :)
well, a little curious as to some things that may be happening soon... don't ask, i probably won't explain. i just need to really trust God right now.
ok, that's it for tonight. not much else to say. besides, mom is bugging me about sweaters i need to put away or something, and i have a math quiz tomorrow to study for. that should be interesting, since i don't understand my notes because my schitzo teacher makes no sense. none, at all. zip, zero, nadda. i don't really even know what exactly we were supposed to get out of the notes we've been taking the past 3 days.... ya, it's crazy.