Nov 07, 2005 18:37
i know i have updated a lot in the past couple days, but i have to tell about this. i went outside to take a walk and it was awesome. i just got so wrapped up in nature and the simple, yet intricate beauty of God's creation. i randomly sprinted down the driveway, layed down in the leaves and made a "leaf angel", picked up a handful of them and tossed them in the air, drug my feet in them to hear the crunchy noise and see how many i could get to scoot in front of my toes at a time. i stood in the middle of a big tree, the kind that splits a foot or two from the ground and has two big trunks. i leaned against each trunk and felt how sturdy they were, as i wondered at how something so old could be so strong. i stared at the moon and imagined taking pictures of it, and the sunset, and the leaves. then i realized that i could take a thousand pictures and never really capture all their wonder. i even layed down in the middle of the open field area of the yard and looked upon what few little stars were just starting to come out. it was amazing. i didn't think too much while i was out there, i just let myself feel connected to God and to his beauty and majesty, and experienced my life as just a tiny part of something much more magnificent and fascinating. one think i did wonder about though was my marriage. will God give me someone to marry that will do things like that with me? who is he? when will i get to know him? so many people think i am an independent, "i don't need a guy" type of person. and it is true that i don't need a guy as long as i have God, but i still long for that relationship. sure, call me sinful or lustful, but God already knows that. that's why Paul (i believe it was him) said it would be better if we didn't marry because it takes our focus off the Lord sometimes, but he also said that because we are lustful people God allows us to marry, because he created marriage and blesses it, and so lust for our husband (or for you guys it would be your wife) is not a sin. but also don't think that this is the only reason he created marriage. remember, God created Eve to be Adam's partner before sin even entered the world. she was his partner, she was the finishing touch off all creation. God even said "it is not good for the man to be alone. i will make a suitable helper for him." (Genesis 2:18) so you see, it is a God-created partnership. this deeply excites me about marriage. what could be better than spending the rest of your life serving the Lord together with someone you love?
so ya, nature is absolutely awe-inspiring, and God is the best artist in the universe. and the most trustworthy one around. you can trust anything to him. your past, your present, joy and pain, sorrow, even your dating/marriage. especially your dating experience and marriage.
i know that was long, but i wanted to share what God spoke to me today. i hope someone enjoys it.