May 20, 2006 05:34
5:35 in the morning, and I have nothing better to do while I wait to go to work. It's been a while since I last updated, let alone even looked at the site. A lot has changed since my last entry. Most of which is too graphic to put here. I dont think anne is ever going to update her journal so I suppose I should put it in mine for those of you who know me through her and might get back to her later or whatever. She and I are no longer dating. She saw it fit for whatever reason women tend to come up with to justify their actions and decided to see someone else. I will not attempt to create false actualities. We did not leave on good terms, and our friendship has been severly damaged by her actions. That is not to say she is the only one at fault. Well, for what it is, yeah she is the only one at fault. She could have come out the "better man" but instead chose to drop down below my level. Frankly, I dont care to hear from her ever again, but I dont have the heart to tell someone to never call me incase there's an emergency. But then again, if there's an emergency why the hell would she be calling me? Anyway, I'm not in a smear campaign, if you want the dirty details ask her. If you want the truth, I might consider emailing people individually if you ask nicely. Until then, I'm a fresh slab of meat back on the market, oh joy.