Title: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Author: Munchie (
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Archive: my LJ,
JAM's Padded Cell and
Wraithbait Feedback: here if you're a listed friend or leave a comment at either JAM or Wraithbait.
Disclaimer: Still Stargate: Atlantis. Still not owning any of this. Still not making any money out of it
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Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. *HUGE blush*
I love the way you use words, it's all so fresh and new and naughty. And you know, usually shifting POVs annoys me, but it really worked here, because their thoughts were so hysterical and perfectly matched, point and counterpoint.
*blushage increase* I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to abuse the English language. :-) POV's in my stuff switch around a lot, I can't write in one direction when there's a 360 degree, 3 dimensional perspective going off in my head. *sheepish grin* It's strange you should mention the point and counterpoint because while I was going over Al's beta this afternoon I was thinking 'how the hell did I do this? it's a Newton's Cradle in text format!'
Sheppard is so gone, McKay's got him all wrapped up, and that is so damn sweet.
Very gone. :-D And very bored because Weir won't let him do what he wants to. :-) Very full of mischief. :-D And very, very stuck on McKay. :-D *pets Sheppard!muse*
Oh god, that's so wonderful. Such a tough guy. And then McKay bursts his bubble. They are *so* made for each other.
*MASSIVE blush* I had to get the TNG reference in there. It... *twitch* It had to be done. *cough* *points up* Newton's Cradle again. If Sheppard & McKay ever stop annoying the hell out of each other in canon, it'll screw over the mechanism of the universe. X-D They're just made to drive each other insane. To snark, to bite back, to pop each other's ego balloons. *g* Love 'em. *bhg*
And you don't neglect the other characters--the Weirboard was fabulous. With all the four-letter words. And Ford's backup board.
*and yet more blushing*
And then there's the hotness, and it was really hot, but you didn't leave out the sweet, either, or the love, and you've reducing me to burbling fangirlism and I just really loved this fic. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
*quiet squeaky voice* Thank you. I'm really beyond ecstatic that you liked it 'cause... It's not really self-indulgent, whoa nekkid!pretty!boys, lust-lust-rowr PORN when it's shared. ¬.¬ Then it's self-indulgent, whoa nekkid!pretty!boys, lust-lust-rowr PORN... with FRIENDS! *cough*
Ta. *sheepish grin* And so are you 'cause... PORNSHARE! (it's like a Timeshare only stickier and more knackering. ;-)) Promise, any more filthy mental images get into my brain in a conducive plot-ish style, will definitely share. *salutes* Especially if they're of the self-indulgent nekkid!pretty!boy variety.
Which they will most probably be, more than likely, knowing me... I'm annoyingly consistent in that respect. ;-)
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