Feb 05, 2005 08:36
best _____ of the year:
- party: didn't party in '04 :-(
- show: One Tree Hill
- new show: uhhh.....
- Comeback show: aw man i had a good answer for this and i totally forgot
- Reality Show: fear factor i guess...
- TV moment: Janet Jackson and nipplegate (lmao)
- cd: Alicia Keys
- song: sooo many man....
- movie: dunno...amazingly saw only one movie in 04
- video game: dunno, nething at b'way city arcade....
- experience: ;-) not sayin :-X...lets say it was nice
- concert: uhhh didn't see ne :-(
- book: nething zane
- month: Jan/Feb July/August
- day: Jan 4/23,feb 14/20
worst ____ of the year:
- party: again, ain't party in '04
- show: umm...that stupid show that was like the opposite of American Idol on ch 11 where they chose the worst singer....
- Comeback show: dunno...
- Reality Show: dunno
- TV moment: netime the news mentioned another dead soldier in iraq
- cd: dunno...
- song: um...i'll get back on that
- movie: i only see wut i like
- video game: dunno
- experience: too many.....
- concert: dunno
- book: textbooks
- month: MARCH!!!!! (nevermind the fact that my b-day is that month)
- day: sept 24...the day me and darryl broke up
hopes for 2005:
- predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: i may go through a metamorphasis....dunno
- what do you hope changes about your country?: ppl stop wanting 2 run into countries that dont belong 2 them & try to RUN shit like they own it.
- what do you hope for yourself?: to be happier & smarter (mentally and emotionallly)
- what do you hope for your family?: nothing...my fam is beyond hope...
during 2004:
1. where were you when it began?: home w/mommmy watching tv and talking to friends
2. did you stay up?: duh..
3. what was your new year wish?: that me and darryl get together lol...not kidding...
4. how many boy/girlfriends?: one...for once...
5. broke up?: 1
6. have any crushes?: hrmm....2 i guess...
7. care to mention names?: no..uk the names
8. new friends?: yep quite a few if i do say so myself :-D
9. had to say goodbye?: yes...
10. missed anyone?: yes...
11. win anything?: lol nope
12. best place you went to?: Maryland
13. worst place you went to?: um...
14. happiest moment?: um...i can't chose just one...too many....
15. how was your birthday?: it was actually nice considering...darryl gave me a calc that i desperately needed, chilled with him for a lil while after school (wish the bum drove but ehh...) then had cake at home w/mommy where i was bestowed w/more gifts of things i needed